Workplace Policies

Workplace policies set the goals and directions of the company. The policies may not only be company requirements, they may also be legal requirements. Types of workplace policies that you may be required to understand and follow are:

  • Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
  • hygiene and sanitation
  • equal employment opportunity
  • affirmative action
  • rehabilitation
  • personal appearance/clothing
  • Quality Assurance
  • sustainability
  • anti-discrimination/harassment.

Your company induction manual will list and detail the workplace policies that are required.  What are the responsibilities of personnel employed in meat processing businesses?

Personnel Responsibilities


All people employed in the meat processing industry are defined as workers.
Workers have a responsibility to:

  • bear in mind the health and safety of themselves and fellow workers when working
  • work in a manner which will reduce the risks of contamination or spoilage of product
    • take an active part in the team to develop improved methods and systems
    • perform their tasks to the best of their ability
    • follow workplace policies and procedures.


    Supervisors delegate tasks to workers and monitor that work. In addition to their responsibility as workers, supervisors have a responsibility to:

    • provide clear instruction and feedback to workers
    • involve workers in decision making where appropriate
    • monitor production to ensure production schedules, hygiene, quality and WHS standards are being met.


    Along with having the responsibility as workers and supervisors, managers have a responsibility for the smooth running of the business, as well as:

    • providing a safe and healthy work environment
    • setting the goals and direction of the business
    • taking an active part in leading the team in developing improved methods and systems
    • treating fellow workers with respect
    • ensuring that the image of the business is maintained
    • providing leadership and examples.

What are the legal requirements for workplace policies on WHS?

Government WHS legislation states that it is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.   Each State has an WHS Act that identifies the roles of both the employer and employee in providing a work environment that is safe and without risks to health. These Acts clearly state that in order to adhere to the legislation, co-operation is needed between management and employee.   Unions, employers and employees support the state WHS Acts so that workplace injuries and work-related diseases can be minimised.   The Occupational Health and Safety Acts for each state and territory require the employer to provide a safe working environment. This includes the provision of personal protective equipment and safe work procedures. The Acts require the employee to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and the health and safety of others, to use safety equipment that is supplied to follow safe working procedures.