9.4 General Forklift Safety – Mobile phones/radios are not to be used whilst on a forklift. You must be off the forklift to use phones or radios. Do not turn with a raised load when stacking or de stacking. Do not drive forward with a load that obscures your vision. No forklift truck is to be used to raise personnel unless:
- The correct work box is used.
- The operator has had the required experience.
- The forklift remains stationary.
- The lift has been authorised by your supervisor or manager.
Do not stack pellets or loads in areas that will obscure pedestrian walkways. Forklift attachments must only be used if the de-rated capacity is listed on the forklift compliance plate.
*NOTE: Despite being governed to a speed of 10km/hr, consideration shall be given by all forklift operators to the stopping distances associated with their forklift.
A fully laden 2.5T forklift requires 6.2m to come to a complete stop.
Forklift operators are required to ensure that rear view mirrors are checked, and head checks completed prior to reversing – every time. Following completion of operation, the forklift operator shall park-up the forklift and remove the ignition key to prevent any unauthorised usage.
9.5 Pedestrians & Forklifts – A strict active three-metre forklift exclusion zone shall be always enforced between pedestrians and operational forklifts. Forklift Operators must always be alert to pedestrian movements. Areas of concern are:
- The area between the 246 loadout and SARS
- 246 tunnels
- 180 tunnels
These areas are to be negotiated with caution by both pedestrians and forklift operators. Upon approach, the operator must sound the horn to alert any unseen pedestrians of an approaching forklift. Upon approach to enter the 246 (MMP) tunnel forklift operators must sound the forklift’s horn as well as upon approach to exit from the 246. Where any approach is required by a pedestrian with an operational forklift, the following must be undertaken:
Maintain the required active three-metre forklift exclusion zone.
- Establish eye contact with the forklift operator.
- Wait until the forklift operator has acknowledged that they have seen your attempts to contact them. The forklift driver shall stop the forklift, lower any load (tines must be lowered to ground level) and secure the forklift by ensuring all controls are neutralised.
- Once the forklift is secured, the employee shall be permitted to approach the forklift.
Ensure that the forklift is approached with care and from the side only, never from behind.
10 Pedestrian Traffic – Shared Zones
10.1 HI VIS Zones – High visibility clothing/vests shall be worn in designated high-risk mobile plant areas (i.e., 180), (MMI) tunnel or 246 (MMP) tunnel).
*NOTE: Pedestrians shall be required to always adhere to designated pedestrian walkways and active forklift operational exclusion zones when in such areas.
General production employees shall not be required to wear high visibility clothing/vests onsite other than in designated high-risk mobile plant areas i.e., 180 (MMI) tunnel or 246 (MMP) tunnel)
*NOTE: All general production workers shall be required to always travel within designated pedestrian walkways whilst onsite.
High visibility clothing/vests shall be always worn by pedestrians moving around the transport, truck wash, truck parking storage and beef unloading areas onsite.
*NOTE: While not on the Midfield Site, walking to work presents a significant risk to workers if they walk on the roads. It is advised that workers always use footpaths and designated crossings and make themselves visible to other road users. Hi Vis or reflective clothing should be worn by anyone walking to work.
10.2 Walkways, signs and access gates – All pedestrians shall comply with the requirements of all traffic/hazard signage located around the site. Pedestrian no-go zones: 180 tunnel – should entry be required, pedestrian to wait located at the entrance of the tunnel and ensure no forklift is in operation in the area. If a forklift is in operation, the following process must be followed:
- Establish eye contact with the forklift operator.
- Wait until the forklift operator has acknowledged that they have seen you.
- Attempts to make visual contact with them. The forklift driver shall stop the forklift, lower any load (tines must be lowered to ground level) and secure the forklift by ensuring all controls are neutralised.
- Only once the forklift has been secured, shall the employee be permitted to proceed within the tunnel.
- No operational forklift must be approached under any circumstances.
All pedestrians shall utilise defined pedestrian walkways. Pedestrian crossings are clearly marked and must be used. Access gates and rails are mostly used in areas where pedestrians are entering a shared zone. Pedestrians should get in the habit of looking left and right for traffic every time an access gate is used. Where ropes and bollards have been placed, pedestrians are required to walk on the protected side of them. They have been placed in areas to keep workers separated from vehicles and safe from blind corners or high traffic zones.
10.3 Mobile Phone Use – No pedestrian shall be permitted to operate a mobile phone whilst walking on an unsecured (i.e., no guard rail or handrail) pedestrian walkway at any time whilst onsite.
11 Truck Yard – The truck yard located at the rear of the site is used to park up trailers, trucks, and Midfield buses. With Heavy Vehicle movements in the area, traffic should be limited, and pallets, stock, and construction materials should only be stored in their designated areas. Do not create a hazard for drivers by dumping material where it shouldn’t be.
12 Protein Plant
12.1 Pedestrian Traffic/Visitor – All pedestrians entering the protein plant are required to enter via the main entrance. No entry is permitted at any time via vehicle access doors. Access is limited to authorised employees only, so visitors, or unauthorised employees are always escorted. All pedestrian traffic is only permitted on yellow walkways. Broken lines across the walkways indicate possible forklift routes through the plant. Pedestrians are required to remain alert while navigating these areas.
12.2 Inbound Traffic – Inbound traffic (Bone Truck) is to access the Protein Plant via Gate 4 and enter by reversing through the vehicle access doors located on the south side of the building. This is a shared zone and any operators in the area are required to remain in the yellow foot traffic areas that are clearly marked. Only experience operators who have received training and have been deemed competent in MIDPSP-001 Delivering and Unloading Raw Material are permitted to perform this task. Forklift traffic frequents this area and operators are required to comply with all Midfield Forklift operation requirements.
12.3 Outbounded Traffic – Traffic accessing the Protein Plant load out area will enter the site through Gate 4.
Entry to the loadout area is through the south door.
**Care must be taken with visibility sometimes challenging with the position of the Sun at certain times of the day and year.
Exit from the loadout is through the north door with trucks required to turn right to exit the site through Gate 4.
13 Stock Trucks: Beef & Small Stock
13.1 Small Stock Ramps – Only two stock transport vehicles shall be permitted in the small stock yard at any time. Small vehicles who present to the small stock yard with small numbers of stock (i.e., direct from supplier) shall be required to park up outside the small stock yard entrance gate, alert the small stock drover and await further instructions. No unauthorised entry to the small stock yard shall be permitted to such vehicles without authorisation and guidance from the small stock yard drover.
Only one stock transport vehicle shall be permitted to park up in the designated park-up bay located external to the small stock yard. Access to the small stock yard shall only be permitted once the required unloading dock is vacated by one of the two stock transport vehicles which have completed unloading in the small stock yard. All other stock transport vehicles shall be required to park up in the transport area, located offsite and await permission to enter Gate 3. Upon being granted permission to enter Gate 3, the stock transport vehicle shall be required to park up in the designated park-up bay if both loading docks are in use. Upon entry to the small stock yard, the stock transport vehicle shall be required to reverse to their designated unloading dock.
Upon final park-up at the loading dock, a designated exclusion zone shall be recognised around the stock transport vehicle to protect the stock transport driver during any required set-up at the dock.
- No forklift activity is permitted during stock transport entry, reversing to unloading dock and exit from the small stock yard.
- No hook lift trucks, or maintenance vehicles shall be permitted into the small stock yard during stock transport entry, reversing to unloading dock and exit from the small stock yard.
- No pedestrian movement is permitted during stock transport entry, reversing to unloading dock and exit from the small stock yard. Pedestrians must remain within the secure designated pedestrian walkways at this time.
13.2 Cattle Ramps – All cattle truck drivers are required to access the ramps via Gate 4. Ensure the area is clear of obstacles or personnel before reversing to ramps. Traffic is limited in this area, and the ramps should be clear, but always scan the area for potential hazards. Drivers unloading stock are required to use pedestrian walkways and access ramps only. There is never a time when it is required to scale fences or prop open gates.
13.3 Private Suppliers (Stock Trailers) – The stock trailer ramp is located beside the small stock ramps for private suppliers to unload stock. Private suppliers are to access the site via Gate 3. Cars with stock trailers must always give way to trucks and remain well back from the area while trucks are reversing to Small Stock Ramps. Upon arrival, they are required to ring the bell located on the side of the ramp. No livestock to be unloaded without a Midfield employee present.
14. Warehouse – The Warehouse is located on the opposite (West) side of Scott Street. It is a high traffic area with Scott St/McMeekin Rd intersection close, heavy vehicle access, Midfield vehicles (Utes), and forklift use all in a small area.
14.1 – Unloading of Deliveries – Trucks access the Warehouse area from Scott St entrance. The entrance is sectioned off using bollards, safety chains and signage to eliminate vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area. Anyone working in the area (including Contractor Drivers) are required to wear Hi Visibility clothing. No other vehicles or pedestrians are permitted to enter the exclusion zone while unloading activities are taking place. Pallets are unloaded using a forklift and stored within the exclusion zone. Pallets are to be stored safely as to not create hazards to pedestrians and traffic once the exclusion zone is removed. Contractor drivers are to remain in the vehicle or wait in a safe place outside the exclusion zone while unloading activities are taking place. As this is a Midfield Site, there is no smoking permitted in or around the warehouse.