20 Windrush
20.1 Site Access – Windrush is a Midfield Site and induction and access requirements are identical to all other Midfield Sites. Access is off Illowa Road and a 10kmph speed limit applies.
**NOTE – driving is only permitted on tracks. Do not leave the access track to evade the rough track.
Hi Visibility clothing is required in the Skid Shed.
The interior of the skin shed, and surrounds is a shared zone. Forklift activities and pedestrian movements occur simultaneously in these areas. All employees must be compliant with forklift/pedestrian practices outlined earlier in this plan. Visitor parking is available outside the main entry to the Skin Shed. Visitors will report to the manager/supervisor upon arrival and should be always accompanied by a Midfield Representative. The site is subject to a traffic curfew:
No commercial vehicle movements before 8am and after 6pm.
21 Pastoral
21.1 Site Access – Pastoral Properties are considered Midfield Sites. Induction and access requirements are identical to all other Midfield Sites.
21.2 Traffic Flow – Traffic flow is unique to every Pastoral Site and employees will be provided information during site induction regarding access roads and tracks, opening and closing of gates, and any hazards that are created from traffic movements around the property.
21.3 Agricultural Plant and Equipment Operation – Farm vehicles and equipment must only be operated by operators who possess the required licences, experience, and are signed off by their manager or supervisor as competent to operate the equipment. Always drive to the conditions. Consider the nature of the task and environmental conditions such as, weather, ground conditions and terrain. Sometimes you may need to reassess these conditions daily, or even hourly, depending on the weather and drying times for the ground surface. Prior to use, determine if the vehicle selected is the most suitable for the planned task. For example, a Ute, a Side by Side, a tractor, or walking may be safer options in some situations.
21.4 Safety Features – Agricultural plant and equipment that are fitted with safety features, such as seatbelts, GPS, and speed limiters must be operated correctly. Any attempt to temper with, bypass, or use any safety feature incorrectly is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action. Roll over protection – An employer must not use or allow a tractor to be used at the workplace unless it is fitted with roll-over protection.
21.5 Visitors & Parking – Employees must familiarise themselves with parking arrangements of cars and agricultural plant and equipment. Parking outside designated parking zones may impact on other activities occurring on the property. All visitors to a Pastoral Site must report to the Property Manager or Supervisor upon arrival.
22 Maintenance/Grounds & Other Mobile Plant
22.1 Scissor and Boom Lifts – Any use of Elevated Work Platforms requires the operator to possess a High Risk Work Licence and to be trained in MAINSWI-008 Elevated Work Platforms (Boom and Scissor Lifts). Before operating any plant or equipment, always check service records and maintenance schedules to ensure operator safety. Always use correct barriers to prevent pedestrian or vehicle access if the work being carried out presents any hazards. Ensure all falling object hazards are controlled by:
- isolating pedestrians by barriers, distance, and time.
- using spotters or traffic control measures
Prior to work, ensure all electrical hazards are controlled by appropriate lock out/shut down procedures. Prior to work, ensure that movement or activities of any plant does not impact on traffic flow or access requirement of others.
22.2 Hire Plant – If the hired plant is used for a task that is outside the normal activities undertaken, a thorough JSA is required before commencement of the task. Before operating unfamiliar plant or equipment, always check service records and maintenance schedules to ensure operator safety. Any mobile plant that been hired must only be used in a manner that it is designed for. Any Midfield Employee responsible for operating equipment must hold the required licences and experience to operate safely. Manufacturer’s instructions must be reviewed to determine the plant’s limitations, safety features, and potential malfunctions.
The Midfield Group is committed to providing a safe and productive Traffic Management Plan as part of a culture that works to eliminate injuries and accidents. The balance between safety and productivity is maintained throughout this document. Ongoing quality and safety checks will ensure that this Plan and the safety of all staff, contractors and visitors on this site are always maintained.