The OH&S Policy emphasises the overall intentions and direction of how the company will relate to occupational health and safety. This is the commitments the company will make to controlling and improving the occupational health and safety. In other words, an occupational health and safety policy guides actions.
The main reason why health and safety is important in the workplace, is to keep people safe and healthy at work. No-one should be injured or have poor health affects as a result of work. Achieving the vision of a healthy, safe and productive working life for all, relies on everyone in the workplace meeting their health and safety responsibilities.
Everyone in the workplace has a role to play to ensure their safety and the safety of others. In general, the roles of each workplace group include:
- Senior management sets up the work health and safety policies and procedures to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. They have the overall responsibility for providing a workplace that is safe and without risks to health, as far as practicable
- Supervisors and other frontline and middle managers implement the procedures with their workers by ensuring their workers are trained in the procedures, are supervised to follow the procedures and follow the procedures. They implement health and safety procedures in their areas including the induction, training and supervision of workers. Workers should go to supervisors about any health and safety matters.
- Workers follow the procedures to work safely, raise and report health and safety matters to their supervisors. All ‘workers’ are required to perform their duties in a manner that ensures their health and safety, and that of others in the workplace.